Monday, May 02, 2011

What did you do this weekend?

In the UK this weekend it’s a double public holiday!  Of course the world knows that on Friday Wills and Kate tied the knot and all of us Britons (and expats) were lucky enough to have the day off to celebrate with them.  To make it an even better start to the new month Monday May 2nd is another bank holiday- a four day weekend!  The past two weekends have been 4 days weekends and it has been the perfect time to travel so I set off on a couple adventures. 

A square
Since before I was born my parents have had a unique fascination with Switzerland and even one of my favourite photos of them travelling the world before I was born is reminiscent of a scene out of The Sound of Music (I know it was set in Austria but you know what I mean).  So as an child I travelled with my parents on their business trips to Europe an fondly remember playing in the snow and shopping with my mum, however one of my most vivid memories is of the hotel we always stayed at in Switzerland.  My parents loved one particular hotel and just thinking about it I can virtually see myself leaning out of the living room window, rolling a ball of snow in my little hands and dropping it on to the street below. I wonder how many people I hit? 

This weekend I utilised the extra days off to come back to my parents favourite holiday destination in Switzerland and it’s still as beautiful as I remember.  I wandered the streets gazing at the old buildings and their meticulously painted exteriors, ate pastries and watched the mountains.  It was divine!

The beautiful buildings

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